Four Fights strike action films

Three short films from joint Anti-Casualisation demonstration today Thursday 31st March 2022 with Manchester Met UCU, University of Manchester UCU and supporters as part of our ‘Four Fights’ strike action for secure jobs in Universities, decent and fair pay and manageable workloads.



MMU UCU Branch Committee – statement on Ukraine

Manchester Metropolitan University UCU branch committee offers our deepest solidarity with and support for the people of Ukraine.

International law, human rights, peace and equality are fundamental principles underpinning our labour movement. We strongly condemn the invasion of Ukraine and call for the full withdrawal of Russian Federation troops, including from occupied territories in Crimea, Luhansk and Donbass regions.

We abhor all loss of life and injury caused by a war that is against the interests of everyone – children, civilians, combatants, neighbouring states and distant countries, and those future generations who will suffer the consequences for decades to come.

We call for an immediate end to all violence and warfare, a negotiated commitment permanently to outlaw and to prevent the use of all nuclear and chemical weapons, and a return to dialogue that respects the rights of the Ukrainian people to self-determination and democracy.

We call on the UK Government to dissociate itself from all financial complicity in Putin’s regime and to make generous provision for Ukrainian refugees including in the UK.

MMU UCU Branch Committee