MMU UCU Branch Stress at Work survey

The MMU UCU branch conducted a survey of members at the end of the academic year 2015-16.  The results are attached below (data all).
Many members report working outside our standard hours of employment, in the evenings, during vacations and when off sick.  It is important to notice too just how many members are reporting exhaustion, anxiety and disturbed sleep patterns – all of which are precursors to more serious health conditions.
Members told us that key stressors included increased paperwork/administration, the NSS, and a sense of not being valued, or in control over demands and deadlines which are increasingly difficult to meet.

Stress and work-related ill health are major health and safety concerns and it is vital that both we as employees and our employers take them seriously as they have a major and detrimental impact upon our health and wellbeing and upon our workplace and working relationships. This is recognised in the NICE guidelines ( and by the Health and Safety Executive ( There is cumulative evidence that working long hours without adequate rest or time off is linked to mental health and cardio-vascular problems. It also places particular strain on employees with caring responsibilities and makes striking an appropriate work/life balance impossible.

UCU@MMU is committed to working with management to address the key stressors that our survey identifies. To do this effectively across the university we need more Health and Safety Representatives. If you are interested in taking on this role please contact our H&S coordinator, Lucy Burke –


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